Courcheval – Labeur
Direction : Pauline Bricout
Release : 17 november 2021
In this first excerpt for Courcheval’s first album, director Pauline Bricout has chosen to adapt the art of collage to video. This way, it’s just like the artist does on a musical level.
She has then imagined a universe as the image of a giant company in which everyone is busy with their task. If it is an oppressive, complex and distressing subject, enslavement to the dogma of work is here treated with poetry and lightness, like a tale. Without neglecting the dark part of the theme, the video is intended to be funny, dreamlike and playful. It is then full of references and details, sometimes crazy, sometimes offbeat, but always integrated in a subtle way. Described as “at the crossroads of the Little Prince and the Guardians of the Galaxy, this collage of images wonderfully illustrates this surreal universe.”
One morning like any other, PR010 is looking at the universe through the glass roof. Suddenly, a holographic screen opens in front of him. He then finds a notification from HR: “PR010, please go to the top of the galaxy. You will follow the instructions on site. Attached is a map of the galaxy. Did PR010 make a mistake? Is there a restructuration of the universe? In order to get the answers to his questions, he embarks on a long journey to join the planet of HR.
About Courcheval “Labeur”:
Directed by Pauline Bricout, she wanted to stick a certain vision of work to this track of Courcheval. Choosing to “relocate” the universe of the clip in space, she gives more weight to the words. As a result, she invites the viewer to contemplate and let himself be carried away.
About Courcheval :
By adapting the art of collage to his music, Courcheval has then gradually created its universe from scratch. From a collection of heterogeneous samples collected during his travels and recycled into musical samples, the artist has then composed a lush musical tableau. The lascivious sounds rub shoulders with texts in a sometimes sulphurous French to put themselves at the service of a solar disc, with a dancing mood.
Author: Courcheval
Produced by: Upton Park Publishing
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