Antha – Intérieur cuir

Antha – Intérieur cuir
Direction : Pauline Bricout
Proposition : Antha

Antha? One of the two sisters of the group “Orties”, discovered with the film “Raw” by Julia Ducournau.
With this capsule, Pauline wanted to imagine and put into image a more suggestive, enticing, provocative clip… For her, the universe of Antha is dizzying like Les Fleurs du mal and cerebral as a Cronenberg film. .
“The end of the world is official. Deified vessel, martyred virgin. My word is prophesied gold.”
Returned cross. Pink sedans speeding through the dark night, divinity forming from matter. Golden and adored Virgin, floating in space showing off.
But that’s Carl Neyrou of Bold Magazine who describe the best. “This crossing of Spleen (the name of the album from which the track is taken) ends on “Intérieur Cuir” where the components of current machismo are listed without directly targeting them. A less frontal denunciation which gives hope that Antha has calmed down along this very interesting album witnessing a dark introspection. One might think that she applied for her solo album the verses of the cursed poet, Charles Baudelaire. “Light your pupil in the flame of the chandeliers, Light the challenge in the gaze of the rustics” (source)

About the “La première dose est gratuite” video capsule :

The concept of #La1èreDoseEstGratuite allows director Pauline Bricout to present her work to different artists with whom she would like to collaborate. She therefore chooses each piece according to her musical affinity and imagines the universe for this one in particular and for this sample more precisely. The sample chosen is about 10 seconds long, so as not to interfere or take advantage of the piece, that it remains illustrative and not parasitic. Once the dose has been made, she contacts the artist or the label directly, either by email or via social networks.

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